Are you convince that prayer works? Have you tried it and seen God answer? Can you believe that God will reward anyone that prays from the heart? I have asked myself, alike with others, what can prayer do?
I’m sure Paul asked the same question many times; especially the day he and his sidekick Silas were put in prison for preaching and teaching the word of God. At the strike of midnight, while he and Silas were worshipping the Lord, the prison doors suddenly began to shake, causing a “Jail-house rock session.” The fear of God came on the door-guard forcing him on his knees crying out, “save me!” He knew his life was over after the prisoners escaped except, no one left. At that moment, Paul spoke up and delivered the most powerful message of salvation that ever came to that prison.
When God’s children pray, he moves quickly, powerfully, and completely. If sinners are present during an outbreak of glory, they too will be moved, good or bad. To elaborate, the “day of release” for the children of Israel from Egypt didn’t just deliver the Israelites; it also swallowed up the Egyptians so everyone got released by God’s power.
Moses, God’s man and servant prayed to heaven while holding up his rod. By the power of prayer, God opened the Red Sea and swallowed the enemies of Israel in a moment of glory.
Moses learned that only his conversations with God moved God.
On the night before the children of Israel began their journey, the death angel passed through the city while everyone slept. God told the children of Israel to paint blood over their doorpost. When the angel saw the blood, he passed over that house. There was something else going on that night as well. The head of each home was leading their family and friends in prayer. “My house shall be called a house of prayer.”
Prayer is what raised a man from the dead. Jesus called a prayer meeting at the tomb of his friend Lazarus. “Lazarus come forth,” were words that caused a graveyard to come to life.
There was prayer all day and all night for Lazarus, who before being raised from the dead was dying. His sisters Mary and Martha hoped that Jesus would come soon and heal their brother. The Lord planned to raise their brother from the dead after death completed its mission. He prayed that day and prepared for his service later that week. There were three days of fasting and prayer.
When Lazarus was completely dead, Jesus went to him so he could have fellowship. In those days, mourning lasted at least thirty to sixty days. Jesus heard the people crying as he drew closer to the tomb of Lazarus. A good tip for us about prayer is, “Our praying makes us crazy with faith and revelation.” The Lord looked up at the Father, prayed, then focused on the tomb and spoke with radical glory those immortal words, “Lazarus come forth!”
The command, “come forth,” in the mouth of God is a direct word that invokes movement. “Forth” is a word that supports “come” by pushing it through something into something else. These two words spoken together will always cause something to happen. When Jesus spoke to the tomb that day, the people had no clue that the spirit of Lazarus was in his words “come forth.” This is the reason Jesus called out Lazarus’ name.
Jesus asked Mary and Martha if they believed in the resurrection and that their brother would be raised from the dead for the same reason. Their answer was yes. He was preparing them so he could reveal his purpose here on earth. He identified himself as the Son of God, then told them he was the resurrection and light. Jesus went to the tomb, stood and offered up a prayer of faith to God and regurgitated Lazarus from his belly through those words.
“Oh death, where is thy sting?” “ And grave where is your victory?” Prayer restores and pays the toll of life for us.